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We are here to support any person affected by the death of a baby. We offer one-to-one befriending, telephone support and advice as well as regular group support meetings.

We work with people in Bedfordshire and surrounding areas and all of our services are provided free of charge by local volunteers - Beds SANDS receives no funding other than by donation.

Future Beds SANDS support group meetings

The Group is facilitated by one or more trained SANDS befrienders and provides an opportunity for parents and others to share their experiences and draw mutual support from the group.
If you have not attended before, but would like to go along, you would be very welcome - please get in touch for further location and other details.
Future meetings will take place in Silsoe and the following dates and times have been arranged:
Monday 23rd August 7.30-10.30pm
Monday 20th September 7.30-10.30pm
Monday 25th October 7.30-10.30pm
Monday 15th November 7.30-10.30pm
Monday 20th December 7.30-10.30pm