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We are here to support any person affected by the death of a baby. We offer one-to-one befriending, telephone support and advice as well as regular group support meetings.

We work with people in Bedfordshire and surrounding areas and all of our services are provided free of charge by local volunteers - Beds SANDS receives no funding other than by donation.

Prioritising future projects

Beds SANDS is looking to select a small number of projects as a focus for our fundraising and wider work over the next year or so.
Our members have provided some great suggestions (and we're already implementing some), but we'd now like your help to prioritise them.
On the right hand side of the screen, you'll find an online poll (you may have to scroll down a bit to locate it) that will enable you to 'vote' for your favourite ideas quickly and easily.
You may also want to find out a bit more about this process and the proposals - if so, please click here.